Worms – Large and Small
Moving as quietly as he could, Dessig approached the sound and soon found a deep pit that smelled like the worst midden he ever encountered. Something was moving down there.
Worms – Large and Small Read More »
Moving as quietly as he could, Dessig approached the sound and soon found a deep pit that smelled like the worst midden he ever encountered. Something was moving down there.
Worms – Large and Small Read More »
“What is it made of?” Meesy asked.
“It’s got all modern materials throughout, all wattle and daub with quality, hand-mixed mud and manure, none of your cheap straw construction like some use.”
“And why is there a hole in the roof?”
A whipping boy is a child who receives any punishments due to someone else, usually a young prince. Even though there is little historical evidence for the existence of such children, it gave me the idea for this story.
This quite short story was triggered by me seeing a sign on a door. It was only two words, but it immediately dropped my mind into the gutter, and I came up with this story. Telling you what the sign was will spoil the story, but I’m sure you can work it out once you’ve read it. If not, get in touch and I’ll tell you.
When it was my turn to be the Dungeon Master, I began writing a scenario and I got to thinking about this problem. A powerful mage could bring down the city walls and decimate an army, but then had to go and have a rest to learn more spells.
Mage Reborn: From Magical Beginnings Read More »
Here’s everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the origins of Throb and his band of trusty companions. “Throb!” is an adult novel, a comedy, set in a fantasy world. Writing it, I decided to go for more mature content and made it full-on adult.
Throb! The Making of A Barbarian Read More »
This idea came to me when I had some trees pruned in my garden. One of the resulting branches got left behind and dried out in the sun. It, of course, looked like a wizard’s staff, although I have yet to produce a single fireball with it or make myself invisible. I came to the realisation that it was just a stick.
“Well now, lucky we found you,” she said.
“I wandered away from my companions, upstream somewhere. I don’t suppose you could get me down?”
“Have you down in no time, one of the kiddies has gone for an axe.”
“Once we get inside we’ll find the buried temple and so much treasure we’ll have to come back three times to get it all.”
“What’s in there, smells like gobbos.”
“Yep, just some goblins between us and the treasure.”
This story involves brave women risking their lives to provide evidence of wrongdoing to the outside world. That simple premise was all I had to start with, and the rest just followed along. The ending came as a genuine surprise, although it made sense for the rest of the story, so I suppose it could have been subconscious.