Waste Not
“Well now, lucky we found you,” she said.
“I wandered away from my companions, upstream somewhere. I don’t suppose you could get me down?”
“Have you down in no time, one of the kiddies has gone for an axe.”
“Well now, lucky we found you,” she said.
“I wandered away from my companions, upstream somewhere. I don’t suppose you could get me down?”
“Have you down in no time, one of the kiddies has gone for an axe.”
“Once we get inside we’ll find the buried temple and so much treasure we’ll have to come back three times to get it all.”
“What’s in there, smells like gobbos.”
“Yep, just some goblins between us and the treasure.”
This story involves brave women risking their lives to provide evidence of wrongdoing to the outside world. That simple premise was all I had to start with, and the rest just followed along. The ending came as a genuine surprise, although it made sense for the rest of the story, so I suppose it could have been subconscious.
The idea for this story came after I had re-watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I was thinking about a certain scene, you’ll probably know which one when you read the story and my mind, as it often does, went into the gutter, and this story was born.
Where the idea for this story came from, I don’t know. I was sitting in front of my computer with a blank document open trying to create some short story ideas when this one arrived. It’s a near-future SF story about a young man who is something of an artist. It’s not to be taken seriously, but it does predict the future.
What is a moral dilemma? While in self-drive mode and faced with a collision, the car might have to decide who or what to run into. For instance, if a child ran into the road, does the car swerve to protect the child, or stay on the road to protect the driver? This is just a philosophical debate, of course, because the car will be programmed to protect the customer.
I was about halfway through another story, when I noticed my neighbour’s cat that likes to sleep in one corner of my shed roof. You might think these two events are unrelated, but to a writer, there’s no such thing. So, story in progress, cat on roof, a glazed look and a slight smell of burning and k-ching! Another story. I hope you like it.
The Joys of Dating in the Twenty-Second Century Read More »
Compared to my others, this novel came from a more vague idea, and I took some time to get to the final story. Here, I go into more detail about how the novel, eventually, took its final form.
Monster Farm—How to Grow a Novel Read More »
“What a beauty! Did you see? A fair and buxom maid indeed.”
“Do they all have to be buxom maids? Every time we pass a cart off you go about buxom maids.”
“Well, I like buxom maids. Don’t you?”
Reading the Small Script Read More »
Technology is great. Humanity wouldn’t be in the position it’s in now if it wasn’t for technological advancements. You could argue that technology has brought nothing but trouble on us humans, but that’s down to human nature and the misuse of it, not the technology itself. Science should be used as a tool to improve the lives of every living thing on the planet, and beyond, but it should never be allowed to control us.